
Your teachers keep you informed!
Consult this section regularly to find all the general information about the Traitement Automatique des Languages Master (MSc Natural Language Processing).

Calendar 2023-2024

M1 – 2023-2024

Back-to-Uni meeting: September 1st, 10:00 a.m.

The Academic year starts with 2 weeks for refresher courses

Semester 7 (S7): from September 18th, 2023 to February 2sd, 2024
Courses’ weeks: 38-39-40-41-42-43 and 48-49-50-51 and 04-05
Holiday breaks: 44 and 52-01 (not for alternance students)
Supervised project, Bibliography report deadline: January 19th 2024
Jury S7: February 20th, 2pm (grades due: February 16th)

Semester 8 (S8): from February 05th to June 28th
Courses’ weeks: 06-07-08 and 13-14-15-16 and 22-23-24-25-26
Holiday breaks: 09 and 17-18 (not for alternance students)
Supervised project: report deadline: May 24th, defenses: May 30-31th
Jury S8: July 09th, 2pm (grades due: July 07th)

Catch-up S7 and S8: August 19th- 30th
Jury session 2 (S7-S8): August 30th 2024, 2:00 pm (marks due: August 28th)

M2 – 2023-2024

Back-to-Uni meeting: September 4th, 10:00 a.m.
Semestre 9 (S9): from September 4th 2023 to February 23th 2024
Courses’ weeks: 36-37-38-39-40 and 45-46-47-48-49 and 02-03-04-05-06-07-08
Holiday breaks: 44 and 52-01 (not for alternance students)

Jury S9: March 22th 2024 (marks due: March 14th)
Catch-up S9: August 28th- 31th 2024

M2 defenses: August 28th 2024, September 5th 2024 (reports deadline August 20th 2024)
Final jury M2: September 6th, 2:00 pm (marks due 1: September 3th)

Calendar 2022-2023

M1 – 2022-2023

Back-to-Uni meeting: September 6th, 9:00 a.m.

Semester 7 (S7): from September 6th, 2022 to January 20th, 2023
Courses’ weeks: 36-37-38-39-40 and 45-46-47-48 and 01-02-03
Holiday breaks: 44 and 51-52 (not for alternance students)
Supervised project, Bibliography report deadline: January 9th 2023
Jury S7: February 7th, 2pm (grades due: January 31th)

Semester 8 (S8): from January 23th to June 30th (courses end June 3td)
Courses’ weeks: 04-05-06 and 11-12-13-14 and 18-19-20-21
Holiday breaks: 08 and 16-17 (not for alternance students)
Supervised project: report deadline: June 20th, defenses: June 28-29th
Jury S8: June 30th, 2pm (grades due: June 21th)

Catch-up S7 and S8: August 24th-31th
Jury session 2 (S7-S8): September 7th 2023, 2:00 pm (marks due: September 3rd)

M2 – 2022-2023

Back-to-Uni meeting: September 19th, 10:00 a.m.
Semestre 9 (S9): from September 10th 2022 to February 24th 2023
Courses’ weeks: 38-39-40-41-42 and 47-48-49-50 and 03-04-05-06-07-08
Holiday breaks: 44 and 51-52 (not for alternance students)

Jury S9: March 24th (marks due: March 16th)
Catch-up S9: August 28th- 31th

M2 defenses: August 31th, September 1 and 4-6th (reports deadline August 21th 2023)
Final jury M2: September 7th, 2:00 pm (marks due 2: September 3th)