
Your teachers keep you informed!
Consult this section regularly to find all the general information about the Traitement Automatique des Languages Master (MSc Natural Language Processing).


M1-M2 Internships

  • Student can make a Lab 2-3 month internship between the first and the second year (after supervised project defense and before back to school meeting).
  • Student must write a short report of their work, but there is no specific evaluation (Send it to at the end of the internship).

M2 Internships

  • Reports due: check the date (around 10 days before the defense)
  • supervisor evaluation document [doc]
  • reviewer evaluation document [doc]


  • The second semester of the second year (M2) is entirely devoted to an internship – at least four months in a research lab or five months in a company
  • This internship gives rise to a report and a defense before a jury. The grade includes the evaluation of the report, the defense and the supervisor
  • The defenses are public. All students of the bachelor degree and the Master are welcome
  • With the agreement of the students, supervisors and jury, some internship reports are published on the PETALE website of the Université de Lorraine.
  • In addition, students can carry out non-compulsory internships (not included in the training). They must then also complete an agreement (see below).

Internship Search

  • The search for an internship is the responsibility of the student.
  • We have many contacts with local, national and international companies, as well as laboratories in many disciplines to facilitate the search for internships. see partnerships

Internship Agreement

  • The internship agreement, available on the ENT, must be completed by the student.
  • The agreement must be signed, first by the host structure, company or laboratory (two signatures: tutor and head of the structure), then by the head of the master (or the head of the second year) and only lastly by the director of the IDMC.
  • No agreement will be signed by IDMC without the other signatures.
  • No agreement will be signed by IDMC without a certificate of civil liability.
  • The agreement must be signed before the beginning of the internship

Orientation of students towards an internship:

The internship (in a company or laboratory) must be consistent with the student’s project and will be considered as such.

The choice of host organization and the topic must be approved by the head of the second year. The decision is made ​​on the basis of the completed information sheet (if necessary accompanied by complementary documents, e.g. detailed topic description).

Internship Evaluation:

The internship is to be the subject of a written report and an oral presentation before a jury. The report should be send to the head of the second year and the University supervisor at least 8 days before the defense (strict) (digital copy and hard copy if it asked by the university supervisor). You must provide a hard copy for the head of the second year before the defense.

The evaluation of the internship take account of :

  • judgments and remarks of the supervisor in the host organization on the work done (see document above)
  • the quality of the internship report evaluated by the university supervisor (see document above)
  • the quality of the oral presentation. The defense is composed of 20 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of questions (prepare a slideshow).
  • Note that the defense jury proposes a grade and only the official jury decides of the final grades. Thus no feedback will be given after the defense.

Internship Report:

– The report format:

We ask the students to usethe LaTeX template masters-doctoral-thesis. Please use the official information and add on the first page the logo of the Université de Lorraine and the logo of the IDMC. Also do not forget to add the logo of your lab or compagny (the Loria one).

  • A cover page pointing out the names of the host organization, the date of the internship, the title of the report, student’s name, the degree concerned and the composition of the jury (supplied later).
  • Table of contents
  • The effective portion   the internship,
  • The figures will be accompanied by a caption,
  • The bibliographic reference from the press about   will be at the end of the report,
  • The annexes appear at the end of the report,
  • Typography will be the same for the entire text. Avoid underlining and bold,
  • Consider numbering the pages (and correct spelling errors)
– Reports for internships:

The internship report is a document intended firstly to explain to your university what you did ​​during your internship and in what context, and secondly to be used by the company where you did your internship. Therefore it should be complete in both the presentation of the frame of your internship, in the statement of the problem, and in the explanation of its resolution.

In a maximum of 50 pages, it must have the following parts:

I – Description of the host organization

Host Organization: make a brief description, do not include brochures or other advertisements developed by the company itself   ; specify its size and its objectives.

Facilities and Services: specify the size of the staff and its organization   ; specify the type of equipment, software, methods used.

II – Presentation of the problem

Explain the problem to be solved and – if it is part of a chain or a larger environment – its frame. Think of which stage of a project this work is a part of: study of the existing, writing about specifications, technical study, conception, implementation, validation, …

III – Work done

Develop your work as clearly as possible. Give here an explanation of the choices made, methods and tools used and the results obtained. Do not hesitate to illustrate all by figures, images (screenshots, …)

Do not forget to position your work in the realm of cognitive science/NLP.

IV – Conclusion

Conclude with the successes you have gained at this internship, and possibly critiques. Specify what you may have missed in your university education, perhaps also what has particularly served you.