Master TAL - MSc. NLP

Course Unit

Speech Processing







Course Description

This course aims to teach knowledge, statistical and neuromimetic modeling tools and the software used in the domain of automatic speech processing. The class first introduces speech signal processing concepts and then moves on to introduce hidden Markov models, deep neural network approaches which have more recently appeared. Lastly, we will discuss software used for the setup of real and synthetic automatic recognition systems.


Learning Outcome

  • Identification and application of tools for speech processing
  • Usage of speech recognition tools


  • UE 704, UE 803 and UE 804

Targeted Skills

  • Analyse a problem before treating it computationally
  • Put to work different interdisciplinary skills to create innovative solutions.
  • Know how to apply algorithmic techniques, linguistic analysis, statistics, and knowledge processing

More Informations


  • To be completed

Course URL – Arche

  • To be completed

Link with other courses

  • to be completed

Evaluation procedures

Number of Tests

  • to be completed

Nature of the tests

  • to be completed

Group work

  • to be completed

Combine with other specialization

  • No

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