Master TAL - MSc. NLP

Course Unit

Syntactical Models







Course Description

The goal of this course is to introduce fundamental concepts of symbolic grammatical formalisms in order to describe the syntax and the syntactic-semantic interface of natural language. For some formalisms, for example, different presentation of categorical grammar, the Tree-adjoining grammars (TAG) or the Lexical Functional Grammars (LFG). We will study mathematical aspects and we will see how they will be put into place in computer systems which will process a large volume of content.
We will mainly study how certain complex linguistic phenomena (like raising and control verbs or long distance dependencies) may be represented.


Learning Outcome

  • Analysis of the ensemble of linguistic examples in aims to extract a generalisation
  • Implementation of a modeling of a linguistic phenomenon within existing formalisms
  • Identification of the defaults and limitations of a formalisation


  • UE 704, UE 802, and UE 804


Targeted Skills

  • Analyse a problem before computationally treating spoken or written data
  • Put to work different interdisciplinary skills to the effect of creating innovative solutions

More Informations


  • To be completed

Course URL – Arche

  • To be completed

Link with other courses

  • to be completed

Evaluation procedures

Number of Tests

  • to be completed

Nature of the tests

  • to be completed

Group work

  • to be completed

Combine with other specialization

  • Master of linguistic

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