CacCUL 2023 : First Call for Papers !

The Cognition and Language Conference at University of Lorraine (CaLCUL) is organizing its first conference on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive Sciences.

As the conference theme is broad, we encourage the diversification of subjects to create interesting discussions. Any student from the University of Lorraine that wishes to present a paper or a poster is welcome to submit their work.


  • Any Natural Language Processing related topic :
    • Speech Processing
    • Natural Language Understanding
    • Natural Language Generation
    • Neural Machine Translation
    • etc.
  • Cognitive Linguistics
    • Linguistic Semantics
    • Cognitive Grammar
    • Cognitive semiotics
    • etc.
  • Cognitive Science
    • Human Machine Interaction
    • Cognitive Neuroscience
    • Cognitive Ergonomics
    • UX Design
    • etc.


Full-length papers should be in a PDF format up to 10 pages for technical content (including figures, tables, etc) and possible references, plus an optional page containing only references.

  • The format should be following the ACL template
  • The selected papers will be presented orally during the conference
  • Papers must be published using EasyChair at : URL

The CaLCUL conference is an in-person event and will take place in the IDMC building of University of Lorraine, Pôle Herbert Simon, 13 Rue Michel Ney, 54000 Nancy.


  • Paper submission deadline : 15 December 2022 at midnight (CET)
  • Notification of acceptance : 8 January 2023 at midnight (CET)
  • Camera-ready version : 15 January 2023 at midnight (CET)
  • CaLCUL conference : 20 January 2023


  • Conference Chair :
    • Muhammad Shahzaib
    • Organizational Chair :
    • Mathilde Aguiar
    • Soklong Him
    • Mohamed Omar Cherif
  • Scientific Chair :
    • Van Duy Ngo
    • Joseph Keenan
    • Maxime Méloux
    • Laïla Moatassim
    • Sarah Hamdi Cherif


For any question, you can contact our co-chairs :