CaLCUL 2024 : First call of paper – Ethics and AI

The importance and impact of AI in our society do not need to be proven anymore. Like most revolutions, the initial stage of AI penetration in our daily lives was filled with experimentation and excitement.  However, as time passes and more and more people are affected by the new technology, it is critical to take a step back and think about our subject.

What are the overall impacts of our programs and models on society?

Do they affect all social groups equally and fairly? What are the positive and negative impacts and how can we maximize the benefits and minimize any harm that models can do? 

The Cognition and Language Conference at the University of Lorraine (CaLCUL) will come back for a second year. The theme for this edition will be “Ethics and AI”. All students in the Cognitive Sciences and NLP Masters can submit a paper with or without an additional poster.

All the willing participants will have the possibility to present the results of their work in front of other students.



Note: this is only a list of suggested topics and questions, if you think your subject would be interesting for the theme, don’t hesitate!

  • What can be some ethical problems in AI? How to measure them? How do we mitigate them?
  • Bias in training, Bias in dataset, Bias in representation, Bias in model, Bias in the use of AI
  • How can AI be a tool to make the world more ethical? For example, how can AI be used to fight discrimination, hate speech, and fake news?
  • Are all languages treated equally in the state-of-the-art models and data sets?
  • Are all humans treated equally in the state-of-the-art models and datasets?


  • The paper follows the ACL template
  • The paper is 5 pages long, not counting references and/or appendices


The review process will focus on the work that was done and different ideas explored. An experiment that failed is still a result and the process and the discoveries made along the way can still be interesting. Do not hesitate to submit your failed experiments as long as you explain how and why they failed.


  • 1st December: first submission for the paper at EasyChair
  • 8th December: registration form for the in-person presentations at CaLCUL 2024 (no paper needed)
  • 15th December: review deadline
  • 1st January: final submission for the paper + poster’s submission
  • TBD: in-person presentations of selected papers at CaLCUL 2024


  • Conference Chair:
    • Prunelle Daudre-Treuil
    • Pierre-Malick Boissiere
  • Scientific Chair:
    • Clémentine Bleuze
    • Pierre Epron
    • Ekaterina Goliakova
    • Chun Yang
    • Nalin Srun


For any question, you can contact our co-chairs :