Master TAL - MSc. NLP

Course Unit

Lexicology : lexical units and phraseology







Course Description

This course introduces a logically organized system of basic notions in lexicology:
the discipline that studies lexicons of natural languages. Special attention is paid
to the central linguistic phenomenon of phraseology and to the various types
of phraseological expressions: <b>
• idioms (<i>e.g. to rock the boat, Adam's apple, on cloud nine
• collocations (<i>e.g. to throw a party, heavy meal, easy as pie</i>);
• linguistic clichés (<i>e.g. May I be excused?, Best regards, One moment please</i>);
• etc.

The content of the course is a condensed English version of the lexicology
manual Polguère (2016) – see bibliography below. Though most linguistic
illustrations will be borrowed from English – the language of teaching –,
data from other languages will also be used for comparative purposes.


Learning Outcome

  • Mastery of the constitution of the lexicon
  • Applying lexical theory to real situations


  • UE 704

Targeted Skills

  • Analyse a problem before computationally treating spoken or written data
  • Exercise autonomy and initiative

More Informations


  • Benson M., Benson E., Ilson R. F. (2010) The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English.
    John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, third edition expanded and revised edition.
  • Cruse D. A. (1995) Polysemy and related phenomena from a cognitive linguistic viewpoint.
    In Saint-Dizier P. and Viegas E. (eds.): Computational Lexical Semantics.
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al., 33–49.
  • Granger S. (2011) From phraseology to pedagogy: challenges and prospects. In Herbst T.,
    Faulhaber S. and Uhrig P. (eds.): The Phraseological View of Language.
    A Tribute to John Sinclair. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, 123–145.
  • Lipka L. (2012) An Outline of English Lexicology. Lexical Structure, Word Semantics, and
    Word-Formation. Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, second edition.
  • Mel’čuk I. (2012) Phraseology in the Language, in the Dictionary, and in the Computer. In Kuiper K. (ed.):
    Yearbook of Phraseology, volume 3. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, 31–56. ,
  • Polguère A. (2014) From Writing Dictionaries to Weaving Lexical Networks.
    International Journal of Lexicography 27(4), 396–418.
  • Polguère A. (2016) Lexicologie et sémantique lexicale. Notions fondamentales
    [Lexicology and Lexical Semantics. Fundamental Notions]. Paramètres.
    Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, 3rd edition.
  • Sag I. A., Baldwin T., Bond F., Copestake A., Flickinger D. (2002) Multiword
    Expressions: A Pain in the Neck for NLP. In Gelbuk A. (ed.): Computational
    Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Third International Conference, CICLing 2002
    Mexico City, Mexico, February 17–23, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2276,
    Springer, London, 1–15.

Course URL – Arche

  • To be completed

Link with other courses

  • to be completed

Evaluation procedures

Evaluation – continuous assessment – is based on two items :

  1. test in class (30%);
  2. take-home test (70%).
    Students will make an oral presentation of their preliminary work for the take-home test.
    This presentation will not be graded but will be taken into consideration when evaluating the paper.

Combine with other specialization

  • No

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