Master TAL - MSc. NLP

Course Unit

Text processing







Course Description

This course introduces machine learning methods and special libraries (NLTK, Gizza, etc.) currently put in use in order to model different sub-tasks (labeling and syntactic analysis, name entity recognition, etc. ) and other applications of text processing. We will focus on automatic translation based on provided corpora in order to, on the one hand, illustrate on these steps and, on the other hand, review the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm.


Learning Outcome

  • Usage of NLP tools for classical scenarios
  • Put to use automatic translation techniques


  • UE 704, UE 803 and UE 804

Targeted Skills

  • Analyse a problem before computationally treating spoken or written data
  • Put to work different interdisciplinary skills to the effect of creating innovative solutions.
  • Know how to apply algorithmic techniques, linguistic analysis, statistics, and knowledge processing.

More Informations


  • To be completed

Course URL – Arche

  • To be completed

Link with other courses

  • to be completed

Evaluation procedures

Number of Tests

  • to be completed

Nature of the tests

  • to be completed

Group work

  • to be completed

Combine with other specialization

  • No

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