Master TAL - MSc. NLP

Course Unit

Diachronic and synchronic lexicology







Course Description

This course consists of a complete introduction to lexicology and lexicography, whether it be synchronic (description of a word at a precise moment) or diachronic (description of the evolution of a word across time). The students will have to take into account the divergences between lexical analysis and lexicographic description, in particular in the domains of etymology and semantics. With use of methodologies studied during class, they will be capable of transposing lexicographical research results into lexicographic descriptions for a dictionary.


Learning Outcome

  • Analyse a problem before computationally treating spoken or written data
  • Put to work different interdisciplinary skills to create innovative solutions


  • UE 704, UE 802, and UE 804


Targeted Skills

  • Analyse a problem before computationally treating spoken or written data
  • Put to work different interdisciplinary skills to the effect of creating innovative solutions


Yvon Keromnes and Patrick Hanks

Université de Lorraine

More Informations


  • To be completed

Course URL – Arche

  • To be completed

Link with other courses

  • to be completed

Evaluation procedures

Number of Tests

  • to be completed

Nature of the tests

  • to be completed

Group work

  • to be completed

Combine with other specialization

  • Master of linguistic

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